Monday, 14 November 2011

Thursday, 10 November 2011
Self-test reveals all
Dr Young said that an Internet addict would answer yes to at least five of the following questions:
- Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet (you think about your previous online activity or anticipate your next session)?
- Do you feel the need to use the Internet with increasing amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction?
- Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back or stop Internet use?
- Do you stay online longer than originally intended?
- Have you jeopardised or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet?
- Have you lied to family members, therapist or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet?
- Do you use the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving, for example, feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression?
Friday, 4 November 2011
Friday, 28 October 2011
Addicted to games: Internet game addiction

One form of internet addiction is gaming addiction. Internet gaming addiction and getting lost in playing video games has been regognised a long time. Recently I saw a interview with a person claiming to have been hooked on pac -man probably 20-30 years ago. We probably had a little growth in this problem when people (kids) started hooking up lots of computers together and playing games on few computers at the same time (on a LAN). These tournaments were often at first related to games like Counterstrike. But the rise of the problem came with the internet and high speed internet connections. Now it is so easy to play with lots of people all over the world 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Therefore has the problem we can name Internet game addiction grown to a big problem. Media attention has been growing past 3 years at the same time interest in playing online games like World of Warcraft has grown, so has the problem.
Some people will say this games can never been a obsession or addiction, but the truth is Kids and adolescence are stop showing up in school and in worst cases we have seen people have been committing suicides. Recently we have seen case of child neglect in relation to the parents internet game addiction. These cases of problems with gaming addiction will grow and we will see more stories on the news on this problem.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Internet Addiction---Cyber-relationships & Solution
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Result of Poll

Friday, 14 October 2011
Healthy VS Unhealthy Internet Use
Friday, 7 October 2011
Dr. Kimberly S. Young defines cyber-relationship addiction as an over involvement in online relationships to the point of dependence. Some individuals use the internet to experiment with social identities, while others simply cannot get enough of their online relationships. These cyber-relationships can be romantic and/or sexual in nature, or sometimes friendly and/or neutral, but all provide the user with a sense of immersion and anonymity, which Young says can be psychologically rewarding. Young believes that online relationships elevate the user’s mood and increase the user’s self-esteem (Young, 1999).
Research has shown that individuals tend to reveal more aspects of their “true” selves when communicating over the internet. Individuals are more likely to disclose very intimate, personal information online than in face to face settings. Not only are people more likely to disclose personal information online, they tend to do so more quickly than they typically would in a traditional face to face setting (Bargh et al., 2002). Individuals experience an increased sense of anonymity and perceived trust of others when they are communicating online. Individuals might also express themselves to others more easily online because they feel a reduced fear of rejection. Even when the user feels that the probability of being rejected is high, the internet removes them from an environment in which they would have to deal with the social consequences of the rejection. The internet can also remove the influence of certain social cues found in traditional face to face settings over relationship formation. When communicating online, people are less influenced by things like physical appearance which may hinder the development of relationships. Many users also feel liberated by their increased ability to control how they present themselves to others when communicating online. Another unique service the internet offers to the formation of relationships is the extreme ease with which one can find others with similar interests. Due to these and other factors, online relationships may form more easily and much faster than face to face relationships and there is evidence to suggest that relationships formed online might be more substantive than face to face relationships and consequently more stable (McKenna et al. 2002).
A problem arises however, when an individual comes to rely on their online relationships as a sole source of companionship and comfort. The internet seems to create alternative realities for users which encourage self-disclosure, increase trust of others, facilitate social experimentation and give the user a sense of control in how they present themselves. These things lead to rapid relationship formation, and ultimately increased self-esteem for the user (Young, 1999). For these and other reasons, it seems that internet relationships can very easily become addictive.
Though the exact reasons behind why a person might become dependent on internet relationships are not clear, some research has shown that certain preexisting personal qualities and psychological factors might predispose a person to the likely development of internet related problems. Research suggests that individuals who are chronically lonely or perceive their social lives as incomplete tend to seek out online relationships. These individuals may or may not be at more risk for developing dependencies on virtual relationships due to the disinhibiting quality of online communication (Morahan-Martin & Schumacher, 2003). Individuals may also turn to the internet as a means to escape the reality of other problems they may be experiencing, such as various psychological conditions, stress, etc. (Griffiths, 2007). Since the internet is thought to provide alternate realities for the user, specifically in the development of relationships, it is not difficult to understand how these types of addictive behaviors can develop.
The negative consequences of cyber-relationship addiction are similar to those of other addictions. Individuals who suffer from cyber relationship addiction may experience social decline, role impairment, emotional distress and other consequences which can lead to increased negative affect and symptoms of depression (Young, 1999).
BLAST from the PAST !

Friday, 30 September 2011
Internet Addiction Treatment, Counseling, Support.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Friday, 23 September 2011
Internet Porn addiction help tips !

Below are listed a few tips for dealing with porn addiction:
*Talking about the issues in detail with a trusted friend or therapist who will be as honest with you as you are honest with them.
* Putting tracking devices on your smartphone and computer so others (best not a spouse) can monitor your online behavior
* Knowing the signs of porn addiction, both the general signs and those specific to you
* Knowing the stages of porn addiction
* Making good use of porn addiction resources such as 12-step meetings, sex addiction professionals, and online recovery support groups
Podcast 1 talking about INTERNET ADDICTION
Hong:你这个computer game玩了几久哦?
Ding: 呵呵..讲你都不相信啊?六年级就开始玩了咯….
Hong: 玩到现在21岁还不够啊?
Ding: 喂,你不要跟我讲话了…
Hong: 噢….
Ding: haiz…你看,死了….来啦,一起玩…
Hong: 死了,你叫我工跟你一起玩啊?
Ding: 来啦…我们重新来啦…来啦,你不爽我啊?来一打一啦….
Hong: 来啦,谁怕谁?
Ding: 来咯…
Hong: 但是我明天有考试咧….
Ding: 你明天考试?哎呀,考试小事啦…打dota先啦….
Hong: 不要啦…
Ding: 打罢了啦…
Hong: 我不要…
Ding: 打啦…明天考试小事情来的….我们晚上才….你做么这样笨的?看下就动了咯,那些notes…
Hong: 哇,那些notes你看下就懂啊?
Ding: 这样容易……你不要跟我说你没记性,一下子而已嘛…
Hong: 你现在是看不起我啦?
Ding: 是啊…来啦打dota啦…
Hong: 你好料你….你跟我记住….来,现在来…你什么ID?
Ding:是fatding 的ID,来啦…
Hong: fatding啊?okay,你等我…
Ding: 好好….
Hong: okay….
Hong: 你杀得到我,才怪….
Ding: 你别跑啦…这样笨的你…
Hong: 这样笨你又追不到我??
Ding: 来啊,来啊…来啦….
Justin: 大红,大钉,你们又在玩电脑啊?
Justin: 大红,你明天不是考试吗?
Hong: 他看不起我,我不甘愿….
Hong: 你再讲多一次… okay,你就死了…okay,你就死了….
Ding: 死了?死了?来啦,追我啦…
Justin: 大红是你弟弟啊?你不要教坏他..
Ding: 吵啦,哥哥你…
Ding: 你别担心,我玩电脑会专心在考试的….
Hong: 我又要杀你了….
Ding: haiz..那时小事….之前的事不要讲….
Hong: 谁没有过去啊?
Hong: 哎呀,顶多也是眼干症啊…
Hong: yes..我又杀死你了…
Hong,ding: 不理就不理啊…
Ding: 我的考试只拿十分…
Hong: 还敢讲那么大声啊?哥哥回来了…
Hong,ding: errrrr…….哥哥,对不起…早知我听你的,这次的考试分我拿得很差…是咯,对不起哥哥…哥哥,以后我们不敢了….. Hong : Hey…!
Ding : Yea, What’s up? Continue playing your DotA immediately after school?
Hong : Continue playing your DotA immediately after school?
Ding : For the greatest game, I am willing to sacrifice my time into it ! Wanna join me ?
Hong : Are you sure ? you’ve been playing this game since long time ago !
Ding : Of course ! I started to play this game since I was in primary 6 … Hey ! stop dragging my attention while I’m in the game ! Fine, let’s start a new game between you and I?
Hong : Well, I’m having school exam for tomorrow; and can’t spend my time for entertainment now.
Ding : Nah…Cut it off, Hong ! Just head into the game and ignore everything ! *muttering*
Hong : Alright ! what’s your ign (Ingame name) ?
Ding : Ok Cool, here’s my ign (Ingame name) “ Fat Ding”
*Gaming in progress*
*3 hours later*
Justin : Hong, Ding ! you guys are having school exam tomorrow and both of you are playing game now ?!
Hong & Ding : Be quiet ! stop disturbing the joy ! we will catch up the work for tomorrow’s exam ! * continue gaming *
Justin : If both of you keep continuing to play game until lifeless, you’ll be experiencing blind in a young age !
Hong & Ding : Stop telling lies, brother !
*On the next day after school*
Ding : How are we going to explain to brother with bad results ?!
Hong : Its all your fault !
*On the way home*
Justin : So, how’s the results ?
Hong & Ding : …………………..Sorry brother, we’ve ruined our results and we promise not to get addicted to games anymore.
Justin : That’s what I expected to hear from you guys, its fine; just make sure you spend your time wisely next time.
Internet Addiction: Online Gambling
Friday, 16 September 2011
Internet Addiction: Cyber sex
So, how do you think about that? Is those effects are serious as what I explained in the paragraph? Or you have any your own opinion, please give some comment below.thank you.
Joanna Saisan,Melinda Smith Review: Cybersex and Pornography[Online],Retrieved October 2011.
URL: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/internet_cybersex_addiction.htm
A without Internet,felt sad or upset 25%
B using computer to do some important thing even is long time 25%
C using computer by doing nothing in the long period 25%
D can't live without Internet for 3 days 25%
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Why do you think internet is so addictive?

Human Dependence on Computers
In the globalization of technology, Computers were invented in many different types and computer is one of the main technology to forward the economic system worldwide. With a high-technology computer, human can easily work to save time and increase their knowledge widely. BUT, over dependence on computer may cause negative effect to the human resources in the future revolution of working industrial and the more of using computer, human might be lazy to do things manually; More usage of computer may cause negative effect to human health as well. When it comes to the safety reason, computers might not be the most secure place to store personal informations such as house address, mobile contact info, and private messages; Although it will make everything easier, rather than storing informations in a note book.
Credits & References : http://www.techboom.info/article/human-dependence-on-computer-technology