Friday, 28 October 2011

Addicted to games: Internet game addiction

One form of internet addiction is gaming addiction. Internet gaming addiction and getting lost in playing video games has been regognised a long time. Recently I saw a interview with a person claiming to have been hooked on pac -man probably 20-30 years ago. We probably had a little growth in this problem when people (kids) started hooking up lots of computers together and playing games on few computers at the same time (on a LAN). These tournaments were often at first related to games like Counterstrike. But the rise of the problem came with the internet and high speed internet connections. Now it is so easy to play with lots of people all over the world 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Therefore has the problem we can name Internet game addiction grown to a big problem. Media attention has been growing past 3 years at the same time interest in playing online games like World of Warcraft has grown, so has the problem.
Some people will say this games can never been a obsession or addiction, but the truth is Kids and adolescence are stop showing up in school and in worst cases we have seen people have been committing suicides. Recently we have seen case of child neglect in relation to the parents internet game addiction. These cases of problems with gaming addiction will grow and we will see more stories on the news on this problem.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Internet Addiction---Cyber-relationships & Solution


When used responsibly, the Internet can be a great place to interact socially, meet new people, and even start romantic relationships. However, online relationships can often be more intense than those in real life. Our fantasies are given free reign and the idea of being with our online love can exceed all realistic expectations. Since few real-life relationships can compete with these wild, fantasy relationships, the Internet addict will prefer ti spend more and more time with their online friends. Another problem is that about 50% of people inline lie about their age, weight, job, marital status, or gender. When online friends meet and the real-life person fails to match the online personal, it can create profound emotional disappointment. That’s why cyber-relationships is also a part of Internet addiction, because it will spend you a lot of time when using Internet.


The following are tools to get your Internet use under control. While you can put many of these in place yourself, make sure you get some outside support as well. It’s all too easy to slip back into old patterns of usage, especially if you use the Internet heavily for work.  We can try to recognize any underlying problems that may support your Internet addiction. If you are struggling with depression, stress, or anxiety, for example, Internet addiction might be a way to self-soothe rocky moods. Have you had problem with alcohol or drugs in the past? Does anything about your Internet ise remind you of how you used to drink or use drugs to numb out? Recognize if you need to address treatment in these areas, such as therapy, or returning to group support meetings. Moreover, we also can build your coping skills. Perhaps blowing off steam on the Internet is your way of coping with stress or angry feelings. Or maybe you have trouble relating to others, or are excessively shy with people in real life. Building skills in these areas will help you weather the stresses and strains of daily life without resorting to compulsive Internet use.

Authors: Joanna Saisan, M.S.W., Melinda smith, M.A., Lawrence Robinson, and Jeanne Segal,Ph,"Cyber-relationships", "self-help tips for breaking Internet addiction", lasted updated:October 2010.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Result of Poll

How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with something thoughts of the internet?

Friday, 14 October 2011

Healthy VS Unhealthy Internet Use


The Internet provides constant, ever- changing source of information and entertainment. Email, blogs, social networks, and message boards allow for both public and anonymous communication about any topic. But how much is too much Internet usage? Each person’s Inter use is different. You might need to use the Internet extensively for your work, for example, or you might rely heavily on social networking sites to keep in touch with faraway family and friends. Spending a lot of time online only becomes a problem when it absorbs too much of your time, causing you to neglect your relationship, your work, school, or other important things in your life. If you keep repeating compulsive Internet behavior despite the negative consequences in your offline life, then it’s time to strike a new balance.

References:Authors: Joanna Saisan, M.S.W., Melinda Smith, M.A., Lawrence Robinson, and Jeanne Segal, Ph,"healthy vs unhealthy use internet",last updated: October 2010.

BLAST from the PAST Introduction

Friday, 7 October 2011


Dr. Kimberly S. Young defines cyber-relationship addiction as an over involvement in online relationships to the point of dependence. Some individuals use the internet to experiment with social identities, while others simply cannot get enough of their online relationships. These cyber-relationships can be romantic and/or sexual in nature, or sometimes friendly and/or neutral, but all provide the user with a sense of immersion and anonymity, which Young says can be psychologically rewarding. Young believes that online relationships elevate the user’s mood and increase the user’s self-esteem (Young, 1999).

Research has shown that individuals tend to reveal more aspects of their “true” selves when communicating over the internet. Individuals are more likely to disclose very intimate, personal information online than in face to face settings. Not only are people more likely to disclose personal information online, they tend to do so more quickly than they typically would in a traditional face to face setting (Bargh et al., 2002). Individuals experience an increased sense of anonymity and perceived trust of others when they are communicating online. Individuals might also express themselves to others more easily online because they feel a reduced fear of rejection. Even when the user feels that the probability of being rejected is high, the internet removes them from an environment in which they would have to deal with the social consequences of the rejection. The internet can also remove the influence of certain social cues found in traditional face to face settings over relationship formation. When communicating online, people are less influenced by things like physical appearance which may hinder the development of relationships. Many users also feel liberated by their increased ability to control how they present themselves to others when communicating online. Another unique service the internet offers to the formation of relationships is the extreme ease with which one can find others with similar interests. Due to these and other factors, online relationships may form more easily and much faster than face to face relationships and there is evidence to suggest that relationships formed online might be more substantive than face to face relationships and consequently more stable (McKenna et al. 2002).

A problem arises however, when an individual comes to rely on their online relationships as a sole source of companionship and comfort. The internet seems to create alternative realities for users which encourage self-disclosure, increase trust of others, facilitate social experimentation and give the user a sense of control in how they present themselves. These things lead to rapid relationship formation, and ultimately increased self-esteem for the user (Young, 1999). For these and other reasons, it seems that internet relationships can very easily become addictive.

Though the exact reasons behind why a person might become dependent on internet relationships are not clear, some research has shown that certain preexisting personal qualities and psychological factors might predispose a person to the likely development of internet related problems. Research suggests that individuals who are chronically lonely or perceive their social lives as incomplete tend to seek out online relationships. These individuals may or may not be at more risk for developing dependencies on virtual relationships due to the disinhibiting quality of online communication (Morahan-Martin & Schumacher, 2003). Individuals may also turn to the internet as a means to escape the reality of other problems they may be experiencing, such as various psychological conditions, stress, etc. (Griffiths, 2007). Since the internet is thought to provide alternate realities for the user, specifically in the development of relationships, it is not difficult to understand how these types of addictive behaviors can develop.

The negative consequences of cyber-relationship addiction are similar to those of other addictions. Individuals who suffer from cyber relationship addiction may experience social decline, role impairment, emotional distress and other consequences which can lead to increased negative affect and symptoms of depression (Young, 1999).

Result of Poll


BLAST from the PAST !

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1.Entry must be submitted before the deadline ( 28th November 2011 )
2.Each person is able to participate in this contest ONCE ONLY.
3.Failure to proof the story that written by yourself will be cancelled.